Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 11, 2007

Today, the guys logged about 130 miles as they trekked into southern Colorado. Although "hilly" at times, they still had a bit of a tailwind, so that helped. The monotony of ride-eat-sleep-ride-eat-sleep has settled in, and it is fair to say that the "honeymoon" is over. Now it is time for the riders to bite the bullet, press on, and really see what it means to persevere, self-motivate, and push oneself towards a goal. There are many, many people who are praying for you guys - and standing behind you 100%. Ride strong!

Happy 19th Anniversary, Gary! It's our first one to spend apart - but I'm so proud of you for taking on this challenge. You're amazing! From, your wife, the Blogmaster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are all very proud of all of you, we are praying an checking the website as much as possible threw out the day, take care and we are all routing for you,

Best of luck!!!!!

The Fox Family from Charlotte MI.