Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26, 2007

The Blogmaster has finally received an update from the team!! Here you go...

Well everyone, we are almost there! We are just outside Washington D.C. in the town of Winchester which is about 47 miles just west of the Capitol. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will enter the Capitol around 11:00 AM. This will bring closure to our trek which began 22 days ago in Oceanside, CA. It will end how it began - dipping our tires in the ocean. We will have made it from one ocean to another.

The road into D.C from West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland has actually been the roughest and most trying due to narrow roads and an unfriendly biking environment. Hopefully, this last 47 miles will go well with all of us making it in one piece. Thanks again to everyone who supported us and making this journey for a cause a reality. We will see you soon. Take care.

I would also like to add that on Saturday, Gary was bitten by something as he was riding along the West Virginia roads. It is common for bugs to hit the riders as they roll along. Usually, this is just a nuisance and not a problem. Gary thought the bug deflected off his sunglasses as usual, but it must have become lodged between the earpiece and his head, stinging him. He has been riding since Saturday with a very swollen left side of his face/head. As of last night it was still very swollen & bothersome - so please say a little prayer for him. Hang in there, Gary! And thanks to Steve & Albert for their fine medical attention.... these guys really do it all - they ride, they drive the RV, they cook, they clean, they do laundry, and they offer medical service.....what a group!

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